High quality custom clothing for hospitals and clinics.
Special solutions for
Casa Menta was born with a very clear mission: to offer benefits that surprise, from products of the highest quality, totally customized for the heath services and hospital segment.
Positioner Cushions

Designed to optimize patient well-being and facilitate positioning for nursing and physiotherapy and greatly reducing laundry costs.

The Casa Menta develops and manufactures custom medical Scrubs geared for ultimate confort and unique look.
Mattress Protective Covers

The Casa Menta matress cover have high textyle technology to innovate and cause less environmental impact.
Antimicrobial treatment: ensures better asepsis and reduces the rate of contamination.
Hospital Blankets

It provides excellent thermal comfort, durability and differentiated look.

Quality and Environmental Responsibility.
We develop products that cause the least possible impact to the environment, such as the ECOSOFT® line, is the basis of our sustainable business principle, either by manufacturing from harmless substances, recyclable materials, or by own use and maintenance, which requires quantity as well Reduced water, and chemicals, since our products are much lighter.

Request a visit from a representative or a telephone contact. Please fill out the form and we will call you scheduling a visit.